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     Healthcare Workers and COVID-19

The Role of Healthcare Workers during the COVID-19 Pandemic


The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic is happening in front of the eyes of billions, with journalists and media corporations at the forefront, reporting the events that transpire every day to the general population. Pictures and photographs of healthcare workers battling on the front lines, globally, bring a form of reality to show that COVID-19 is a health crisis that is affecting not just general society, but those that are risking their lives to fight the disease.


Advancement of media technology has progressed in showcasing the existence of the COVID-19 pandemic that is affecting the global population. Videos and audio recordings are one form that has exposed the state and conditions healthcare workers are in, have experienced over the duration of the health crisis, presenting the plight of the challenge they are tasked with, with strained resources that has exacerbated in the response in fighting the COVID-19 pandemic. 


The COVID-19 pandemic is the first global health crisis, in history, where the use of social media and technology are being used on an extensive scale to keep the global population updated.  Healthcare workers and professionals have been, on the front lines, expressing their voice, on social media platforms, over the various experiences and challenges that have implicated their abilities to help those that have been affected by the infectious disease.


The burden of tackling a global health crisis has affected one group, the most than any other, the world's healthcare workers, coping with infection, death, and disease on a daily basis, often risking their own health at the same time in order to assist those challenged by the illness. The COVID-19 pandemic has shown us that the concept of health is nonexistent without the presence of healthcare workers. With the health resources at the hands of healthcare workers being limited to supply essential care, the levels of inaccessibility, they experience, at large, has presented that broader protection and support are needed.


This digital archive focuses on the role of healthcare workers during the COVID-19 pandemic. Information on their role, experiences, and challenges that they faced, and continue to do so, due to the interdisciplinary complications of the COVID-19 health crisis, are presented in the form of various medium such as through pictures and photographs, videos and audio recordings, and social media posts and engagements. This digital archive aims to present, and relay the message, the underrated and underappreciated role of healthcare workers and how crucial it is for their existence and service to uphold the health of humanity.


"I stand by their side and give them my presence. I feel for their families. I've facetimed for them because their loved ones have tubes down their throats and don't have a voice. I'm their voice. I'm there in their time of need because their family can't be. And I promised I would take care of them to make it less difficult. I hold their hand and talk to them as they take their last breath because they can still hear me. At the end of the day, I know I did my very best for them.”

"A lot of people will say, 'You have the option to not go', and that's true. But what I feel is that if I don't serve the community or serve humankind, then what was the point of me going into this profession in the first place?"

"It's nice when people say thanks, but the biggest thank you would be if everyone were to follow public health rules and stay safe."


ER and Trauma Registered Nurse, Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre 

© 2021 COVID-19 Digital Archive by Sindid Alam

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Archive Project for the Department of Health & Society at the University of Toronto Scarborough

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